Study? Apprenticeship? Or take a gap year first? Einstieg Köln is one of the largest trade fairs for training and studying in Germany - here you can get an overview of your options after leaving school. One in five German public universities even took part in 2019. This means you can get to know the largest range of public study opportunities of all career choice events in Germany! For two days, various exhibitors will provide up-close information about what they offer:
Companies will present apprenticeships and dual study programs. Representatives from universities will explain how a degree course works, what you will learn - and what you can become later on. You can find out about voluntary services and stays abroad from gap year providers. In addition, professional associations, chambers, the Federal Employment Agency, ministries, authorities and many other institutions provide information about everything you need to know for your future.
Companies will present apprenticeships and dual study programs. Representatives from universities will explain how a degree course works, what you will learn - and what you can become later on. You can find out about voluntary services and stays abroad from gap year providers. In addition, professional associations, chambers, the Federal Employment Agency, ministries, authorities and many other institutions provide information about everything you need to know for your future.