MICE news Cologne

Koelnmesse crowns its 100th anniversary with the opening of Confex

Koelnmesse opens new event and congress location Confex with space for 6,200 guests directly at the ICE railway station Köln Messe/Deutz to mark its 100th anniversary

In its 100th anniversary year, Koelnmesse is opening Europe's most modern event and congress centre with a grand ceremony: the Confex. The new building, which is pioneering in terms of technology and sustainability, creates new opportunities for innovative event formats in the region. After a construction period of almost three years, a core element of the one billion euro Koelnmesse 3.0 investment programme will be launched on schedule.

‘For 100 years, Koelnmesse has been a centre for ideas and innovations from all over the world. The Confex will secure this special position for the next generation,’ said NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst at the opening ceremony. ‘It was the wish of the then mayor and founder of the trade fair, Konrad Adenauer, that the trade fair should grow into a place of encounter - a place that contributes to understanding between nations, between Germany and neighbouring European countries. We have truly succeeded.’ Today, Koelnmesse is an important pillar for North Rhine-Westphalia as a business location and offers companies from all over the world a platform for networking and tapping into new markets. It not only generates economic added value for the region, but also sustainably strengthens the innovative power and international reputation of North Rhine-Westphalia. ‘Reason enough to offer our heartfelt congratulations on this special anniversary,’ said Wüst.

The centrepiece of the 20,500 square metre Confex building is the Confexhall, which can be divided into three sections and has space for 4,300 people. There are also two conference levels with 22 rooms, which are suitable for a wide range of event formats thanks to their size range of 27 to 205 square metres. The perimeter entrances to the Confexhall are directly connected to the light-flooded foyer, which offers ample space for receptions, relaxed breaks, presentations and side events and leads directly onto the 5,600 square metre open-air terrace, the Confex Plaza. As part of one of the world's largest trade fair venues, the Confex is connected to other, functionally flexible room capacities so that additional space can be activated if required.

‘With the new opening, Koelnmesse is closing a long-standing gap in our trade fair infrastructure. As an attractive venue especially for congresses and hybrid events with over 6,000 guests, Confex will attract completely new events and target groups to Cologne. This is why the city and state, as shareholders, have supported the construction of the Confex even in difficult times,’ emphasised Cologne's Lord Mayor and Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Koelnmesse, Henriette Reker. The new three-storey building was designed by architects JSWD and fits seamlessly into the ensemble of existing trade fair buildings. Together with the new Hall 1, the Confex forms the structural conclusion of the inner-city exhibition centre towards the Rhine Park to the west.

‘The completion of the new Confex will create a trade fair, congress and event location that will decisively support Koelnmesse in positioning its events in the future world of trade fairs,’ says Gerald Böse, CEO of Koelnmesse GmbH. The sustainable safeguarding of trade fair operations as well as new events with new target groups outside the busy trade fair periods would result in decisive location advantages for Cologne and the region. ‘The location stands for flexibility, efficiency and emotionality - and thus for the future of the trade fair industry,’ says Gerald Böse.

The offer was well received on the market right from the start: Koelncongress, marketer of Confex and subsidiary of Koelnmesse, has already received bookings and enquiries until the end of 2029. ‘The first events at Confex will start as early as summer 2024. Many of the organisers are coming to Cologne for the first time,’ explains Koelncongress Managing Director Ralf Nüsser. From the autumn, major events lasting several days will also be held at Confex, including the UFI Global Congress of the International Federation of the Exhibition Industry in November 2024.

The new building also fulfils Koelnmesse's own commitment to the sustainable, resource- and climate-friendly design of its location and processes. The Confex already received platinum pre-certification from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) during the construction phase. ‘Architecture is not only a stage for encounters and communication, it is also an expression of social and technological developments,’ says Jürgen Steffens from the architecture firm JSWD, which is responsible for the design and general planning. In addition to the central theme of sustainability, the main focus was on the digital networking of the functional areas.

Koelnmesse has been a vibrant centre for innovation, trade and international cooperation for 100 years. The impetus for its foundation came from Konrad Adenauer in 1924. He laid the foundation for Koelnmesse's internationally recognised success story. ‘Confex is a new milestone on this path, which has been connecting companies, people and nations for ten decades,’ emphasises Exhibition Director Gerald Böse. ‘Welcome to a world where innovation meets tradition!’

Under the motto ‘Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow - Koelnmesse connects’, the anniversary celebrations will also focus on the sensory experience of the past, present and new: multimedia show blocks will take guests on a two-hour parade ride from the 1920s to the present day and into the future. Culinary highlights after the journey through time will be provided by the well-known TV celebrity chef Johann Lafer and the Koelncongress catering team at numerous live cooking stations.